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京辰生科【Shikharbiotech】SHI-FIX ™ COVERSLIPS 懸浮細胞專用玻片 台灣代理商 distributor
【ShikharBiotech】Shikhar Biotech台灣代理商 SHI-FIX ™ COVERSLIPS 懸浮細胞專用玻片
【ShikharBiotech】Shikhar Biotech台灣代理商 SHI-FIX ™ COVERSLIPS 懸浮細胞專用玻片
【ShikharBiotech】原廠網站 SHI-FIX ™ COVERSLIPS 用於懸浮細胞免疫螢光 Click here
【Shikharbiotech】Shikhar biotech 京辰生科 台灣代理商 SHI-FIX ™ COVERSLIPS 懸浮細胞專用蓋玻片(用於懸浮細胞免疫螢光) 懸浮細胞染色不再是難事 everestbiotech SB-SHIFIX50PLUS Coverslips (SB-SHIFIX50PLUS)
OCT包埋冷凍切片(cryosectioning)、gelatin-coated slide與cytospin;這些方式均須繁雜過程與特殊裝置設備,現在SHI-FIX提供您更簡易更有效率的選擇,有了它,就像貼附型細胞一樣輕輕鬆鬆完成細胞免疫螢光染色!
將細胞加到SHI-FIX ™ COVERSLIPS上,靜置30分鐘,洗去未貼附的細胞,接著就可以進行後續的免疫染色!

Product code | Packing | Dimensions | Price (NT$) |
SB-Shifix50 | Pack of 50 | ø 15mm x 0.17mm | |
SB-Shifix50PLUS 推薦 | Pack of 50 | ø 15mm x 0.17mm | |
SB-Shifix96 | Pack of 3 | 96 well plate | |
SB-Shifix96PLUS | Pack of 3 | 96 well plate |
Publications that have used SHI-FIX™ coverslips and plates:
Genetic Disruption of Transfer RNA Modifications in Human Cancer. Laia Coll San MartinInhibition of NETosis by a Nuclear-Penetrating Anti-DNA Autoantibody. , , Coming in and Finding Out: Blending Receptor-Targeted Delivery and Efficient Endosomal Escape in a Novel Bio-Responsive siRNA Delivery System for Gene Knockdown in Pulmonary T Cells. Kandil R, Xie Y, Heermann R, et al. Adv Ther (Weinh). 2019;2(7):1900047. doi:10.1002/adtp.201900047
京辰生科有限公司 王小姐0906-860-657