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京辰生科【抗體 & Elisa kit】細胞Cell 品牌介紹 Biochemicals and Enzymes 台灣代理商
京辰生科【Ximbio】台灣代理商 抗體 細胞 小分子化合物 Vectors
京辰生科【Ximbio】台灣代理商 抗體 細胞 小分子化合物 Vectors
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京辰生科【Ximbio】台灣代理商 抗體 細胞 小分子化合物 Vectors
【Ximbio】起源於英國癌症研究中心。 【Ximbio】是CRUK的業務部門,專注於生物學的所有領域。
Vectors (3540)Monoclonal Antibodies (2062)Cell Lines (692)Mouse Models (246)Small Molecules (Tool Compounds) (230)Polyclonal Antibodies (220)Recombinant Antibodies (126)Peptides And Proteins (57)Bacteria (20)Zebrafish (15)Plasmax the only ready-to-use medium containing growth enhancing components at physiological levels【Ximbio】
Plasmax is a chemically-defined, protein-free culture medium based on the nutrient profile of human Plasma. Unlike traditional media, Plasmax contains growth enhancing components at physiological levels as well as essential trace elements. In this video clip from Cell Bio Virtual 2020, Plasmax developer, Dr. Saverio Tardito, explains how trace elements in Plasmax produce colony growth in triple-negative breast cancer cells that outperforms DMEM at low serum concentrations.
How does Plasmax affect the metabolic profile of your cultured cells?【Ximbio】
Plasmax is a physiologically relevant cell culture media based on the nutrient composition of human plasma. Unlike conventional growth-focussed media, Plasmax is designed to mimic the nutrient profile of human plasma, better reflecting the cancer microenvironment and providing more physiologically accurate experimental results. Discover how growing cells in Plasmax results in a metabolite profile that is statistically similar to in vivo tumours in this video clip by Plasmax developer, Dr. Saverio Tardito, from his original talk at Cell Bio Virtual 2020. Learn more about Plasmax: https://ximbio.com/reagent/156371/pla...
Comparing Plasmax to traditional cell culture media 【Ximbio】
Traditional growth-focussed media has held a dominant position in research for decades, but is it the appropriate medium for your research? Developed by Dr. Saverio Tardito, an oncology expert from the Cancer Research UK Beatson Institute, Plasmax is a pre-prepared medium, painstakingly developed to mimic the metabolic profile of human plasma. Here, in a video clip from Dr. Tardito’s webinar from Cell Bio Virtual 2020, he compares Plasmax a new physiologically relevant cell culture media to traditional media. Learn more about Plasmax: https://ximbio.com/reagent/156371/pla...